Saturday, December 14, 2013

D is for darling december space adventures

I have clearly had space themes in my head for the past few months, so it was extremely fun that Coroflot gave me the freedom to do anything i wanted for a postcard project! They simply wanted each of us to do something based off the word "Next" as a promotional series to give to their clients.

Since december has been a busy both over here I have nothing much else to share for now. But here's some of the other concept thumbs i did for this project!

My thumbs are messy, but trust me.. you go through like 50 of these before you get to maybe 3 that are somewhat usable. I have to learn to get even tidier with sketches though!

Until next time... IN 2014

Saturday, November 23, 2013


I have 3 projects I can't share yet! One of them I'll be able to share in December, but for my lonely November post all i can offer are these little fingerprint-sized doodles of the Astroblast characters! I can't wait for you guys to see the premiere of the show. It's SO CUTE

So until next time (where maybe i'll have a picture of my desk and stuff?) Here's some space animals:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Big News for October!

Hi again! It's (without a doubt) the best month of the year! So I'm even more excited to announce some big news that just happened recently!

Right now I am currently working with Soup2Nuts on a show premiering next year called "AstroBlast!" under the design team! This means that ideally i'll be busy for the next year doing stuff with an incredible group of artists! SOUPER FUN STUFF AMIRIGHT?

I also recently got to do some spooktacular halloween designs for Hero4Hire! I can't believe what a fun project this one was!

Lastly, here's a sneak peek of what was supposed to be for last month's update (woops) and will hopefully be finished soon:

I wonder what this sparkly mess is all about?!

That's all for September thru October! See you next time!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Pastel Birthday Illustration!

This month it looks like I'll be a bit busy with projects that are in the rough progress stages, so hopefully by the next couple of months I'll be able to share news on that!

For now, here's a little something I made for a VERY belated birthday gift. I like to try to incorporate all of a friends' interests in one chaotic image:

Have a wonderful August! More to come in September

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Even though it's July doesn't mean its not cold somewhere!

This month I made a piece about gundams with a slight Aztec spin to it. I like that in Aztec glyphs there's a technicality and cleanness to the construction of it. Adding to the appeal of the story of the Popol Vuh (a Maya story but bear with me here) with the 13 gods of the underworld, whose designs also have a pieced together look, I thought the marriage of relic and robot would be a fun illustration to try myself.

This month I also thought it might be fun to post some scans of my sketchbook... since my current one is almost full, too! The ones below are done from staring at pinterest photos, so pardon my addiction to pinning!!

That's all I can show you for this month, see y'all in August!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tufts Medical

This month I had another great opportunity that was finally put up online, this time I illustrated for Tufts for an article on language!

Both the Tufts Now page and the homepage has the artwork featured! Take a look at all the great spotlights below.

The image itself

The view from

Another great month to read up on all things art and language; read up on the article below! See you all next month!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Brandeis Magazine!

Recently I got the opportunity to do a really fun full page for Brandeis Magazine! Check it:

Had to put a snarling beast in there somewhere! This time around I had a lot of process work, too. Here's how it goes:

 The two things that didn't change from the beginning from here on was the dragon and the figure. Streamers were removed, although a great party element. Maybe TOO much party.

 Things are moving along neater now. Pose changes, more elements have been brought in. Now its really starting to look like the final!

Then some quick color studies are done, and the dragon's neck and the circular window is changed. All the elements are starting to make much more sense now, and I then redraw the piece for the final.

Finally, ta da! The illustration is finished and the piece's colors were reproduced wonderfully.

See y'all next time!