Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Grand Adventures at Hero4Hire Creative!

So this post is a tad overdue, since I've been done with my internship for a few weeks now, but here is an overview of the things I got to work on/help with!

First and dearest to my heart was getting to work on a "5 second friday" which was something I got to design for while my friend and fellow intern Mari did the animation for it!

Go see it here ---> The Fat Cat Trampoline

For reviews,  I did up a few sheets to summarize the work done for it

After that, I got to work on a map of how to get to their studio from the building! There were a few mistakes along the road.. but I got there! And I found out some of the quirky aspects of their building, hm!

Another little thing I got to do was do sketches for designs for a tv show concept with the other artists at the studio! So so cool! I hope the pitch works out and I see the show on tv some day (whether I was useful or not! some of these are kind of derp)

To be completely honest, my favorite part of this experience was the people I met! It's changed my perspective a lot, and i appreciate every single one of them for it!

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